Jim Elleton

3655 days ago

John Crawford: Is Sefton Bust Yet and where are the (dismal) March output numbers? Target Price 0p

My good pal John Crawford writes: 

Give him his dues, old Jimmyliar Ellerton was always pretty quick to release data showing output in his California Tapia field to the DOGGR. But these days it seems to take an eon to get information. We are now in May and still data for March has not been published by Sefton Resources (SER). Why not? Take a guess.

In February, Sefton (through TEG) only produced 2,274 barrels of oil at its Tapia field in California. That works out at 81.2 barrels per day.  In January output was 2,790 barrels – 90 bopd. Only once since 2005 has output been lower than it was in February.

And March will be worse. The reason
